In August 2015, FSANZ completed a systematic review of the evidence for a relationship between oats, barley and beta-glucan and blood cholesterol concentration.
The review substantiated a relationship between oats and blood cholesterol but not barley and blood cholesterol. A relationship between beta-glucan (from oats or barley) and blood cholesterol was not assessable.
The Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code) currently permits a high level health claim to be based on a relationship between beta-glucan (from oats or barley) and blood cholesterol.
FSANZ issued a consultation paper in August 2017 to understand any stakeholder issues and implications for the Code that could arise from the outcomes of the systematic review.
Comments received:
FSANZ acknowledges those parties who took the time to respond to our consultation paper with written comments. Due to other priorities, work on this issue is currently on hold. FSANZ continues to monitor the evidence base and any international developments for the food-health relationships that underpin the high level health claim.