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NPC Downloadable files and supporting documents terms and conditions

The Nutrition Panel Calculator (NPC) uses data sourced from published Australian food composition databases and is licensed on the condition that you agree to the terms and conditions below.

You can access the calculator by accepting the agreement below after reading the terms and conditions carefully. If you do not agree to be bound by the terms and conditions, click Cancel. You will return to the FSANZ home page.


FSANZ makes the Nutrition Panel Calculator (NPC) available for the benefit of the public and on the understanding that you will exercise your own skill, care and judgement with respect to its use. You are under no obligation to use the NPC,  and the NPC is only one of many sources of generally accepted food composition data available for use.

FSANZ has taken great care to ensure the material provided in the NPC is as correct and accurate as possible. In order to provide the most contemporary food composition data and web service possible, FSANZ will make occasional updates to the NPC's functionality and database information. Please note that as a result of these data updates the food composition data used in the NPC for a particular food or ingredient may vary over time, leading to a potential variation in the results generated for your product over time.

FSANZ makes no warranty that the results generated by the NPC will be free from error, or that if used it will ensure compliance with the relevant requirements of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. Before relying on the results generated by the NPC in any important matter, you should carefully evaluate the accuracy, completeness and relevance of the results for your purposes, and should obtain appropriate expert advice relevant to your particular circumstances.

By accessing the NPC, you acknowledge that in no event shall FSANZ be liable for any incidental or consequential damages resulting from its use.

Please note that any reference to a brand name product contained in the NPC is not to be taken as an authoritative statement of the composition of that product, due to changes in formulation that may have occurred since the FSANZ data were generated. It is also not to be taken as a statement that a particular product complies, or does not comply, with any labelling declarations that might have been made for it or with any regulatory requirements. If you require current data on a specific branded product you should contact the manufacturer of that product.

FSANZ makes the Nutrition Panel Calculator available for the benefit of the public and on the understanding that you will exercise your own skill, care and judgement with respect to its use. You are under no obligation to use the Nutrition Panel Calculator and the Nutrition Panel Calculator is only one of many sources of generally accepted food composition data available for use.

FSANZ has taken great care to ensure the material provided in the Nutrition Panel Calculator is as correct and accurate as possible. Changes to the Nutrition Panel Calculator are to be expected from time to time, in an effort by FSANZ to provide you with the most contemporary food composition data and web service possible. The food composition data used in the Nutrition Panel Calculator for a particular food or ingredient can vary over time, as data are updated. As such, the results generated by the Nutrition Panel Calculator for your product can also vary over time.

FSANZ makes no warranty that the results generated by the Nutrition Panel Calculator will be free from error, or if used will ensure compliance with the relevant requirements of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. Before relying on the results generated by the Nutrition Panel Calculator in any important matter, you should carefully evaluate the accuracy, completeness and relevance of the results for your purposes, and should obtain appropriate expert advice relevant to your particular circumstances.

By accessing this Nutrition Panel Calculator, you acknowledge that in no event shall FSANZ be liable for any incidental or consequential damages resulting from its use.

Any reference to a brand name product contained in the Nutrition Panel Calculator is not to be taken as an authoritative statement of the composition of that product, due to changes in formulation that may have occurred since the FSANZ data were generated. It is also not to be taken as a statement that a particular product complies, or does not comply, with any labelling declarations that might have been made for it or with any regulatory requirements. If you require current data on a specific branded product you should contact the manufacturer of that product.

Limitations of food composition data

Please be aware that there are inbuilt limitations to the NPC. Food composition data used in the NPC may represent an average of the nutrient content of a particular sample of foods and ingredients, determined at a particular time. The nutrient composition of foods and ingredients can vary substantially between batches and brands because of a number of factors, including changes in season, processing practices and ingredient source. In addition, most of the food composition data on the NPC were originally developed not for the purpose of calculating nutrition information panels, but for general reference, or for evaluating public health data, where minor variations in values and the use of approximations have no significant impact.

Given these limitations, the results generated by the NPC may not be as representative as nutrient data obtained from a laboratory analysis of your product.

Data storage and confidentiality

Data you enter for your product is stored within your web browser's storage, to the downloads folder on your computer, or to another location on your computer as selected by you. This is to optimise the confidentiality of your product information.

You are responsible for your data storage. You are advised that certain actions such as uninstalling your web browser, updating your web browser version or deleting files from your browsing history may result in the deletion of your product information. You are advised to use the backup/ restore function before you perform any of the above actions to ensure the retention of your product information. FSANZ does not store or retain any of your data and shall not be held responsible for any data loss.

Privacy statement

For general information about how FSANZ complies with the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) in the Act, see the FSANZ Privacy Policy.

FSANZ collects and will record the personal information you provide in order to be able to respond to your enquiry. You may deal with FSANZ anonymously or under a pseudonym, but doing so may mean we will be unable to follow up on or respond to your enquiry.

People sometimes wish to provide us with personal information about other people in their phone call or email to FSANZ. We discourage you from giving us that kind of information unless it is absolutely necessary; but where you do provide us with such information, FSANZ manages that information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988.


© Commonwealth of Australia and Food Standards Australia New Zealand, 2020

Provided you comply fully with the Terms of Use, FSANZ grants you a worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access, display and use the Nutrition Panel Calculator. You are free to display, download, print, reproduce, communicate and adapt material generated from the Nutrition Panel Calculator for your own personal or commercial use or use within your organisation.

Page last updated 1 December 2023