A1185 - Alpha-amylase from GM Aspergillus niger as a processing aid (enzyme)

The purpose of this application is to approve the use of Alpha-amylasee sourced from
pusillus in GM
Aspergillus niger.

Approval Report 22 June 2020 (pdf 983 kb |
word 152 kb)

Supporting document 1 - Risk and technical assessment report - at Approval (pdf 940 kb |
word 201 kb)


Department of Health & Human Services

Ministry for Primary Industries

NZ Food & Grocery Council

Call for submissions - 11 February 2020 (pdf 832 kb) |
(word 129 kb)

Supporting document 1 - Risk and technical assessment report (pdf 866 kb) |
(word 154 kb)

Administrative Assessment Report - 27 August 2019 (pdf 256 kb) |
(word 63 kb)

Application (pdf 880 kb)

If you require the Appendices please email

Executive Summary (pdf 48 kb)

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