A1171 - Endo-inulinase from GM Aspergillus oryzae as a Processing aid (Enzyme)

The purpose of this Application is to permit the use of Endo-Inulinase produced from a GM modified strain of Aspergillus oryzae as a Processing aid.

Approval Report - 20 December 2019 (pdf 881kb) | (word 140 kb)

Supporting document 1 - Risk and technical assessment report (at Approval) (pdf 740 kb) | (word 203 kb)


Dept Health and Human Services Vic

Ministry for Primary Industries

Call for submissions - 5 September 2019 (pdf 830 kb) | (word 128 kb)

Supporting document 1 - Risk and technical assessment report (pdf 740 kb) | (word 204 kb)

Administrative Assessment Report - 23 October 2018 (pdf 313 kb)
| (word 90 kb)

Application (pdf 1.05 mb)

Please note that due to size restrictions this Application document does not contain Appendices. If required please email Standards.Management@foodstandards.gov.au.

Executive Summary (pdf 101 kb)

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